Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Here are some more random happenings from our neck of the woods. 

I'm not going to comment on all of these pictures because they are mostly just random ones from things we do on a day to day basis and nothing particularly special...although of course they are filled with the kids cuteness. 

My 27th birthday was on the 4th of this month. Did you catch that...27th? I know that's not old but for some reason I feel like I will (and should be) forever 22. It's weird to be getting older.

Josh & Shaffer enjoying a game of 'throw the ball straight up in the air and catch it"! It entertains well. 

Logan trying to feed Oaklie her bottle. =) 

We took Oaklie this past Saturday to get her ears pierced! She was a champ and only cried for 2 minutes. She looks so cute. 

This gives you a tiny glimpse of her adorable dimple & her cute smile. 


Dax and Jen said...

I'm loving the frequent posts on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Was searching for my GF's blog and came across yours. Loved your thoughtful reasoning and description and pictures of having your dd's ears pierced as an infant. I think you were a super smart mommy for doing it now when mommy can care for them. She'll thank you later!

Our ped also encouraged to do it when mommy could care for them. I think babies and little girls with pierced ears are adorable. It celebrates their femininity and femaleness. Like you, I kept seeing babies and little girls with earrings and how cute they were with little gold studs in their ears poking through their hair.

Our ped gave me some suggestions for moms having their infant dd's ears pierced as well as for "Tips for moms having their dd's ears pierced/Care of

Newly Pierced Ears."

If you or any other moms thinking about it and want to do it now or would like them, write me an e-mail.


The Constantines said...

um, for cute! I guess since this is another change for baby girl aunty Jess needs to come back for a visit... Can't let my babies get too big and too cute with out getting my fill of them!